
闲 2017

以后可没这样的时间来好好享受生活了 :)

结论:过了将近3个月,好像也没干到什么大事der -.-
看清人世越早越好 不然以后真正出来社会工作时才遇到就可悲了 :/

很迷茫下,不知道自己适合修什么课程 没什么大志咯 哈哈

20岁了 干过很多疯狂的事
而且还有是跟同一个单身狗cce(暂时)一起狂 哈哈哈哈


The last semester is welcoming

   Starting with the new semester, a new start for my studies. And which is a semester that I can't resit for it anymore even though I failed. (Oiii touched wood) Last semester was quite good, many great memories made with my beloved classmates and college mates :) A new beginning for my pre-u life. We attended school's orientation ball recently, which is an event for freshmen... Since I didn't get to attend for the last event due to school transferring problem, this is an good opportunity for me to know more about the school's cultures and create memories with these friends :)  Really blessed that I have this gang of friends during my pre-u life, they are always my stress relievers and buddies which are always onz for every hangout! 

with dem gemssss ;)

Definitely a great night for us in DM. 

  It's kinda shock and sad that when you have got a friend that willing to quit study pre-u because of the difficulty for score well in examinations. Unless you have that talented mind and intelligent critical thinking skills, you can score a little better than that when you put less effort in it. But what reality strikes that even though you've put so much efforts to do studies and revisions, you just can't score well in exam. People may say that you have not put the enough effort to do well or the way you study is incorrect. You can't judge everyone's study method by your effective study skills, because everyone has just got their own way to study. And my friend claimed that she can't put up with this anymore. Every sweetness success comes with bitter hardship. Just you have the patience to deal with it. Hope she really thinks well before the decision of quitting pre-u has made.

   Let's pray hard for third semester and let me score well with flying colours with no regrets.


再见2015, 你好2016

又一年了,好像每到了尾声才发布文章, 是在写总结似的。18岁,是个让人轻易迷失方向的年龄。18岁,你就必须为自己的将来做打算,朝理想发展,或执迷不悟地麻木跟从着现实。那无忧无虑的日子,可以说是挥手道别了呀。与高中朋友们分道扬镳,各自都在奋斗着、努力着,只为有更美好的生活。只要再熬过2016年,就可以等待大学录取了,哦耶~ 2016年可说是难过的一年哦,必须坚持住,时刻提醒自己一切的艰辛是有成果的 😄

2015年还过的不错了,没怎么去旅行的,但就过得简简单单,有开心的时刻 ☺ 也可以说是突破的一年,因为我一直以来的目标实现了➡考驾照并且开始行驶🚗咯~  自由身咯 哈哈
换了一份假期工,虽然时薪高,但工作性质就还好,必要时还需要抵挡得住泼妇 哈哈 😂  18岁,这是我的第二份工作。我很喜欢之前的那份工作,但工资不高,有好的必有不好处啦 ~ 不是还有找旧老板聊天,关系很要好,和旧同事也如此,庆幸 😊💞

我的生活没别人那么光鲜亮丽,但开心就好。(顿时感觉好土) 2015 有开心,也有不愉快的时候,可是都一一度过了,也不再去回想,就珍惜当下吧 :-)

*还没考取驾照就把车子撞坏了,更可笑的是,撞向自己家门的柱子。 当下简直是想立刻割脉自尽 哈哈哈 意外的是老爸没责怪我 (当然,因为车子不是他的)哈哈 #300415

*考第一学期的STPM ,有预感需要重考 😢😪😭 好似努力读书必不可以考到好酱!因为很多都不会做 哭哭 :'(

一起度过圣诞节~ 没有交换礼物,因为我们都很懒 哈哈哈

*2015最后一天,与他们度过!!! 蛮酷的,第一次看到发酒疯的人! @barfly Publika

*18岁的生日,感谢有你们这班好朋友们,陪我度过。再这美丽的夜景下, 而且有免费蛋糕提供 哈哈 想起当时就好笑,因为那蛋糕根本就不是给我的, 当服务员捧出来是我满脸惊喜的模样,可他捧到别座去 哈哈 服务员好像看见是我的生日,就机警地捧着另一个蛋糕 然后你们也不知所措 😂 当下超搞笑的! 算是难忘的18岁birthday #18&legal  @ signature the roof

*好朋友出国深造去,一去就去了墨西哥!好远哦!此刻好想念她,爰菁 💞 

*第一次被邀请出席马来同胞的婚礼 👰 Shasha 的婚礼是我看过蛮奢华的,有photobooth、食物摊位、还有自由餐 还有表演咧! 


life 2015

上课时老师总是问我们跟得上不,也很担心我们无法了解及作答。在理科,尤其是生物学叫人烦躁,需要记住每一个细节 ,还有数学(我最弱的科目)真的会让人发疯。真的很厌倦那种找不到解答的感觉!很气人乜 L 哈哈 这也是老师们很担心我们无法通过考试的原因——消极的学习态度。中六不是容易的,每时每刻都要抓紧时间温习,学习。但现在我还没有那种心情,那种好像强迫症似的紧张感,犹如一块大石砸下来的压力,完全没存在过。谁不想上大学,谁不想为父母省下学费拿到奖学金…..种种的种种,都是要靠努力争取,但也未必保证你努力后会获得,多少也得看运气啦。现在需要做的事就是发奋图强,努力求学;为了自己的未来之余也会为我们的家人带来光荣。



lil' thoughts

     I feel like losing myself, recently. Sometimes, I just don't get it why I'm having these kind of mixed feeling, just in a complicating way. it seems like everyone is using their time occupationally and I am the only one who is just sitting down doing nothing. Not even touching a book ever since I left high school, I feel so "rusted". Okay, just a way to comfy myself is now I am waiting for my studies ok... Just have much extra time to rest myself, at the same time to charge my energy back for a new start.

    Even now I am working to occupy my holiday. Earns money is better than stays at home, right? Lol. But still, grateful that I still have the passion to post a blog. Life is getting busier and tougher when you've grown up, and our visions are getting wider and sharper, as in the way of judgement. This society is too complicated, not as easy as you'd thought. Naive will just bring you to the crueler world, but at the same time, you've learnt a lesson. (lol I just being too serious)

   By the way, time really flies like a blink of eyes. Now is already April! My birthday month~  All of them are busying with their life, me too. Despite no one can celebrate with me, I still an feel the love from you guys <3>

oh no, I don't know hat to continue... byeeee



高考   祝我顺利。

来应对  它…

中学生涯 即将落幕
踏入社会 的步伐 随着时间的流逝
而快了 起来

还未计划未来 的我

还有多少 时间


再也没有机会不听老师的课,提早从课室里逃出来去下课,和好朋友们哈拉... ...








Happy new year! 2014

Pttff...! Today is the first day of year 2014 and now I'm sitting in front of my laptop and starts blogging. Ah its been a long time I never been updated my blog, busying studying, working and holidays! Ya, this brand new year I'm blessed to have everything I want, cherish the people around me! Last year (2013) was an very awesome year to me because I have a gang of them! We liked to joke around and laugh like a crazy women! And a good news is we are same class this year! so grateful~ Learnt much experience last year, first time went KL with le bffs by taking LRT, first time having dinner with them too until late night, and first experience on boarding plane! Woohoo, blissful year to me! By the way, tomorrow is school reopen! Kinda nervous but this is my last year of school life spending at government school! Memorable time for me♥♥♥♥♥

@ Langkawi Island. I love the ocean!

Early X'mas dinner w/ le bffs!

X'mas countdown steamboat party w/ my manager and colleagues! 

Woots! Shopaholics! 

Camwhore in the LRT heh! ;)

Spent the last 2 months of 2013 with these awesome people! I love them so much~ Kthxbai! Hope 2014 is a very good year to me ^^v