
The last semester is welcoming

   Starting with the new semester, a new start for my studies. And which is a semester that I can't resit for it anymore even though I failed. (Oiii touched wood) Last semester was quite good, many great memories made with my beloved classmates and college mates :) A new beginning for my pre-u life. We attended school's orientation ball recently, which is an event for freshmen... Since I didn't get to attend for the last event due to school transferring problem, this is an good opportunity for me to know more about the school's cultures and create memories with these friends :)  Really blessed that I have this gang of friends during my pre-u life, they are always my stress relievers and buddies which are always onz for every hangout! 

with dem gemssss ;)

Definitely a great night for us in DM. 

  It's kinda shock and sad that when you have got a friend that willing to quit study pre-u because of the difficulty for score well in examinations. Unless you have that talented mind and intelligent critical thinking skills, you can score a little better than that when you put less effort in it. But what reality strikes that even though you've put so much efforts to do studies and revisions, you just can't score well in exam. People may say that you have not put the enough effort to do well or the way you study is incorrect. You can't judge everyone's study method by your effective study skills, because everyone has just got their own way to study. And my friend claimed that she can't put up with this anymore. Every sweetness success comes with bitter hardship. Just you have the patience to deal with it. Hope she really thinks well before the decision of quitting pre-u has made.

   Let's pray hard for third semester and let me score well with flying colours with no regrets.

