
lil' thoughts

     I feel like losing myself, recently. Sometimes, I just don't get it why I'm having these kind of mixed feeling, just in a complicating way. it seems like everyone is using their time occupationally and I am the only one who is just sitting down doing nothing. Not even touching a book ever since I left high school, I feel so "rusted". Okay, just a way to comfy myself is now I am waiting for my studies ok... Just have much extra time to rest myself, at the same time to charge my energy back for a new start.

    Even now I am working to occupy my holiday. Earns money is better than stays at home, right? Lol. But still, grateful that I still have the passion to post a blog. Life is getting busier and tougher when you've grown up, and our visions are getting wider and sharper, as in the way of judgement. This society is too complicated, not as easy as you'd thought. Naive will just bring you to the crueler world, but at the same time, you've learnt a lesson. (lol I just being too serious)

   By the way, time really flies like a blink of eyes. Now is already April! My birthday month~  All of them are busying with their life, me too. Despite no one can celebrate with me, I still an feel the love from you guys <3>

oh no, I don't know hat to continue... byeeee

