

Happy Chinese New Year, everyone!!! Today is already #day6 of CNY. And most of them are already started to work today or maybe #day3 of CNY! However, we get to holiday a week! :P Hurray~~
This year's CNY is not that special la actually, just like usual : packing, back to hometown for maybe 4 or 5 days, then came back to KL, then start SCHOOL. Just like that, every year keep repeating. But in a whole year the most exciting week is CNY holiday week.. Cuz I get see all my beloved relatives & cousins! :)
Here's some photos that we took during CNY ^^v 

Group C group photo :)

All of us wore red shirt on #day1 of CNY! 

Camwhore hahaha failed

Group C with our serial number hahaha (Y)

Grandchildren & grandparents :)

Yes, this was how I celebrated my Chinese New Year, quite boring right? Hahah cuz didn't went for bai nian la :( No angpau lo :( T.T

And the day before CNY we also celebrated at sch. haha brought camera and phones to school because of taking photos !!! LAME but AWESOME

Me & Prescilla &Justine!

Group photo! BFF :P

Another one. with le gurls~ 

Hahah the photos above are stealing from Prescilla Hahaha sorry ah pinjam pinjam! :P

Ah Ohhmaiigahhh Monday is coming edi!~ Cry***

