
Again, Hola!

Aiya.. It's been a month I didn't update my blog... 
feel so lazy man :'S
By the way, I'll still carry on the habit cause it have been few years i've wrote this bloggie!
Last 2 months ago, (that means July) went Perak there for 1 day trip:')
Went Lumut, Setiawan and I dunno hahahaha more & more la!

Yea, this are the beaches. (Edited but still real)
nice leh! wanna stay there unless 1-2 nights la~ :)
Aiya~~ what a pity**

Me with the mangrove forests:')


面线 :P

Pangkor is just over there!!
hahaha buy a ticket 1st ^^

Finally, me with my cute cousin bro and sister!~

this was a amazing trip :)
although it's exhausted but that's FUN (Y)

