
Retarded people have good friends :P

I love my friend. :P

I think this is the most awesome gift to her, ain't?
ya , cupcakes with your faces and Hyun-bin :P
hahaha.. I miss that time. but feel liked all these was changed

btw, miss ya. :O

haha, we looked so childish :)
but this picture is nice.
And wish our friendship will last forever.
I'm afraid to solve those about friendship's problem.
so let's be happy and honest to this relation.



here you are the song!

Super Junior returned :P

Check this out! My brother did this for me !! OMG i love him so much :P
kamsahamnida wuli oppa~

Ya're too awesome to me !!!
Screaming & shouting **

Leeteuk is gonna married with her...

Kang Sora & wuli Leeteuk xi

No.. is a sad news to our ELF and fans.
but good to Leeteuk cuz he's qiute old le..
faster go dating and i'll wish u guy de :P

OMG!! see Eunhyuk oppa's shirt and.. *Shock!
but the right-handed side ... he looks like a ahpek.. LOL :DDD

Hey, nowadays keep saying ( oops oops **)
thanks for my fren to recommend me this song <3
addicted xD

Hello, hello JE :B

HI, again! Don't know that's how many months
I didn't even clicked into my blogger and see what's it.

And I was rushing for the final exam this few week.
It's AROUND THE CORNER! 20-10-11
Scared later drop kaokao ><

can't read story books, kesian :/
And, HEY! I watched Johnny English <3
and that was so funny
and my frenz mum laughed til can't drove her car ._.
quite funny, but i watched liked a HORROR movie
cuz the aunt was so crazy like Sh*t ...

haha @.@
felt so exhausted and stress larh.
Don't know WHY??!!
I wanted to watch Nasi Lemak 2.0 D;
and I have got no friend accompany me
amten, anyeong :) chaija~~